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common records schedule


Records relating to documentation of students' academic history and provision of support services to students.


Requests for Student Information - Case Files

Consists of records relating to the receipt of requests for student information. Records may include completed inquiry forms, transcript requests, requests for degree completion letters, correspondence and other related documents.

Office of Primary Responsibility

Registrar's Office

Units responsible for responding to requests for student information


2 years after request



Other Copies


1 year after request



See Also

STU00 - Policies, Procedures, Standards for records that determine policy with respect to requests for student information

Retention Rationale

Records containing personal information that are used by York University must be retained for one year in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 460, s. 5(1).

Approved by University Secretary and General Counsel on 2008-06-20