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common records schedule

Information Technology and Information Management

Records relating to the management of York University's information technology, information assets and cultural resources.


Library Services - Reference

Consists of records relating to reference services offered to the University community including responding to emailed and telephone inquiries and requests, the provision of online research help and in-person research consultation. Records may include reference requests and replies, appointment booking request forms and transcripts of online sessions.

Office of Primary Responsibility


Resource Centres


1 year after last action



Other Copies


Until operational use ceases



See Also

CPR12 - Conferences, Meetings, Symposia, Seminars, Training, Workshops - Internal Audiences for library orientations and research workshops

CPR28 - Community Relations and Outreach for activities to promote the use of library services

Retention Rationale

Records containing personal information must be retained for at least one year in accordance with the requirements of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 460, s. 5(1).

Approved by University Secretary and General Counsel on 2008-06-20